Music And We
We are organizers, and we love music. We love to talk about the joy that music brings, but also what lay beneath, beside, above and inside. We are not afraid to address the political, the spiritual, or the ideological. We examine what inspires us, and others. Thanks for joining us!
Friday Aug 11, 2023
The day jamilah met Metallica...
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
(RECORDED ON AUGUST 7, 2023) Yes.... The unbelievable happened. jamilah met her second favorite band of all time, and her greatest musical inspiration. She is still in immense shock about it. This episode was recorded the day after Metallica did their two sets (with no repeats) at MetLife Stadium, so please forgive her relative incoherence, and many tears (hopefully jesse does as well!!!).
We also discuss the passing of Sinéad O’Connor (and experiences with mental health struggles), constantly getting names wrong as a possible personality trait, sexuality and objectification, the SAG-AFTRA strikes, Ice Cube and KRS ONE going full counterrevolutionary, as well as the 'throwing phones' situation.
It's an action packed show!!!
We'd love to hear from you! For questions, comments, etc. you can reach us here:
In addition, if you struggling are in need of a voice to talk to, please call 988 (for the u.s. national number), or go to
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
When Is It A Good Time To Critique An Artist?
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
(RECORDED ON MAY 29, 2023) After a ton of mishaps and mental health episodes, we finally have this episode up!!! jesse and jamilah felt inspired to discuss this after the physical transition of Tina Turner, given a few anti-African stances she took throughout her life. While these things were known by some prior to her passing, many opined that addressing her contradictions was inappropriate because, well... she's Tina Turner!
We must remember that she was human, just like any of us who do not share her fame or financial status. No one, regardless of celebrity status or amount of income they make should ever be immune from critique, whether they are physically on this earth, or not.
In this episode we also discuss William 'Smokey' Robinson and his latest album, Gasms. We discuss portions of his memoir, the ageism surrounding reactions to the album, and more.(Note: The audio got kind of messed up between the 51-54 minute mark; we hope that doesn't take too much away from the content! Thanks!)
For questions, comments, etc. you can reach us here:
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Vegan Cooking and Punk Rock: A Conversation With Joshua Ploeg
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
(RECORDED ON MAY 23, 2023) This is a multi-tiered episode of sorts, if you will. The Mulkilteo Fairies were one of jamilah's most favoritest hardcore/punk bands in the early to mid 1990s, as she was a young punk kid trying to figure life out. She wanted to always meet the people behind that band- and eventually met Josh (while he was in the band Behead The Prophet NLSL) and Quitty (while hanging out in Olympia, WA), respectably- so starting out, this is both an (a. 'Meet Your Heroes', as well as a (b. 'Giving Flowers' episode, combined.
Of course, the people we looked up to as young people are humans, and sometimes those humans are around the same age as us, and sometimes we have similar friend groups (which is not hard if you're in the punk scene, especially in a smaller city on the map). So of course this is also a 'reunion' episode, as jamilah and Josh have reconvened after a long, long period.
Josh has been very, very busy over the years, bringing awareness to the connections between punk and veganism via his role as a traveling chef over the years doing dinner parties. A few published cookbooks of his are 'So Raw It's Downright Filthy', 'In Search Of The Lost Taste', 'Hey Ho Let's Dough!' and 'This Ain't no Picnic: Your Punk Rock Vegan Cookbook'. Residents in Billings, Montana have also seen him selling baked goods and herbs at the local farmer's market.
Josh is a person with such a well-rounded experience (while not ignoring the punk roots that shape him), and we hope you have a positive experience listening to this conversation! (ed. note: We want to apologize for whatever tech/mic issues occurring in this episode. We hope it doesn't get in the way of the content. We did our best to work through them- so even the tech spirit is punk as well!)
To get updates from Josh, go to his website:
For questions, comments, etc. you can reach us here:
Sunday May 28, 2023
The ’Giving Flowers’ series (episode 2): Stevie Wonder
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
(RECORDED ON MAY 13, 2023) This is an interesting episode, as tables have somewhat turned... jamilah is usually the fanboi (of various things) out of the two hosts; however, given that he was massively beloved by her in the past, it was discovered that jesse is far more of one when it comes to Stevie Wonder. There are attempts to explore this emerging discovery.
jesse and jamilah discuss Stevie Wonder's discography, the songs and albums they connect to, what the best songs are to introduce others to his music... as well as (of course) the contradictions. Even with all of these things, they feel his contributions to the arts and music are definitely deserving of flowers.
For questions, comments, your favorite Stevie songs, etc. you can reach us here:
Sunday May 14, 2023
A conversation With Old Head (aka Steven)
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
(RECORDED ON APRIL 30, 2023) One of the objectives of this podcast is to engage with the ways we all connect with and to music. Of course, that would be boring if it were just jesse and jamilah every episode, so we always love when others get to share their experiences.
jamilah was very glad to have been able to share some time with fellow podcaster and creator (and lover of St. Anger) Old Head, whom she first became familiar with through his YouTube videos. Steven/Old Head is also a radio host (which jamilah was for 11 years); another thing she learned through this conversation was the similarity in which they both play guitar (which he is much better at). Throughout the episode they also discuss the erosion of cultural musical delineations, social awareness and responsibility of artists, and the healing power of music.
Old Head Podcast:
Old Head's YouTube channel:
Supporting Actor:
Radio show:
For questions, comments, etc. you can reach us here:
Friday Apr 28, 2023
A Conversation On Disability & Metal (feat. Nick (aka MetalLawyer))
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
(RECORDED ON APRIL 23, 2023) jamilah has been fairly open on this podcast about her experience as an amputee, and the ways music is now experienced due to it. We want to take time in various episodes to explore the various experiences had, under the spectrum of disabilities that exist.
On this episode we have Nick, who was born with cerebral palsy. jamilah and Nick met via a community of listeners and appreciators of Metal Up Your Podcast (MUYP), a... podcast (!!!) developed out of a love for Metallica. There's a bit of conversation about MUYP; as well as discussions on how our disabilities shape our experiences, our love for the band beginning with the letter M, as well as what can be done in order for metal to be more welcoming. And of course, Nick discusses his profession as a lawyer (and the way metal inspires him- hence the name, MetalLawyer).
For more information or queries for Nick, go to
For questions, comments, etc. you can reach us here:
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
A discussion of 72 Seasons, Metallica’s new album
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
(RECORDED ON APRIL 17, 2023) 72 Seasons must be a special album, because jesse stayed up past his bedtime to discuss it! This is his first experience with a new Metallica album release cycle, so jamilah was extremely excited to hear his perspective. Needless to say, she was very pleasantly surprised.
As they go into detail about perspectives and what significance the album and individual songs hold, the two longtime friends also emotionally exposed themselves (to each other, and perhaps the world) in ways they hadn't before. Again, this must be a special album.
(Also ...Hardwired To Self Destruct is #6 on the albums list. jamilah sadly left it out. BOOOOOOO to her.)
Thanks so much for listening!
For questions, comments, etc. you can reach us here:
In addition, if you struggling are in need of a voice to talk to, please call 988 (for the u.s. national number), or go to
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
The ’Giving Flowers’ series (episode 1): Mudhoney (feat. Abby Denson)
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
(RECORDED ON APRIL 8, 2023) We aren't getting any younger, and neither are some of the artists we love. We wanted to present a way to appreciate folks while they are still here (even if they're not currently producing music in that iteration), hence the 'Giving Flowers' series.
Our first episode is dedicated to Mudhoney, one of the last living 'anti-establishment' bands (that aren't Anarcho punk, or traditionally 'anti-establishment' in the way we're conditioned to think about what that means). Our special guest is Abby Denson; not only is she one of the biggest Mudhoney fans we know, but she also, many moons ago started two bands with co-host jamilah (who was inspired by the band to pick up a guitar). Similar to with E.T. Russian, jamilah became reunited with Abby (as well as the drummer in our first band, Mayumi), post accident.
Mudhoney just released a new album, Plastic Eternity, and we discuss how the band still cleverly holds disdain not only for the music industry, but capitalism, consumerism, fascism and environmental destruction due to human carelessness. In a time where people advocate for 'politics to not be in music'; we love them for rejecting this sort of idealism, eschewing the stereotype of 'Boomers' or 'Generation X' becoming less confrontational and/or more conservative when it comes to these things.
Thanks for everyone involved in Mudhoney, past and present (Dan Peters, Matt Lukin, Steve Turner, Guy Maddison, Mark Arm, Ed Frotheringham, etc.) for keeping the spirit of rebellion alive in music.
For information and updates about Abby, go to:
For questions, comments, etc. you can reach us here:
Thanks for listening!
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Going To Concerts With A Disability (or two), with E.T. Russian
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
(RECORDED ON MARCH 10, 2023) Many music lovers enjoy going out to see their favorite artists live. Some of us music lovers have disabilities, making it not as easy to navigate this world. In conversation with jamilah (who is a below-knee amputee (BKA)) is E.T. Russian (a double amputee for much, much longer); an old friend who reunited, 20 years later.
E.T. and jamilah discuss positive (and not-so-positive) experiences with consent, awareness and acknowledgement; there's also a discussion about the structural improvements made over the years in regards to venues, and the spaces for improvement.
Thanks for listening! For questions, comments, etc. you can reach us here:
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
What And Who Is Stan (Culture)?
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
(RECORDED ON FEBRUARY 27, 2023) This episode is finally up! A lot of things have happened since then (in relation to some of the things we discussed here), but the primary subject (sadly in some ways) is perhaps timeless.
jesse and jamilah discuss the formation of what (a couple of days later after this recording) became 'If Darkness Had A Son' (to be released on Metallica's 12th album, 72 Seasons). Also discussed was paris Jackson's interview with Steve-O.
The main subject of this episode was the culture of stanning; the etymology of it as well as the difference between stanning and regular 'ol fandom. Are you a stan of something/someone? Let us know!
For questions, comments, etc. you can reach us here: